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Articles Currently Online

I've written hundreds of essays and articles on a wide variety of topics (a portion of which appear on this site). My interests include Biblical and Practical theology, education and cultural issues. My articles have been published in several regional and local periodicals. At one time I also produced a regular humor column for The Adams County Record in Council Idaho.

Abortion and Related Concerns
Fashionable Cannibalism
Animal or Human?
What Now?
Battle Lines
Hoping For A Few Facts
What Is Truth?
Jesus And The Promise to Abraham
The Call Of Abram Part 2
The Call Of Abram
Jesus, Son of Abraham
American Folk Religion
American Folk Religion - Again
Happiness and Eternal Damnation
Heaven Is For Real: The Book Isn't
Folk Religion vs. Christianity Part 2
Folk Religion vs. Christianity
Why Was Jesus Baptized? Redux (Part 2)
Why Was Jesus Baptized? Redux
Infant Salvation
Why Are We Baptized?
Who Should Be Baptized?
Why Was Jesus Baptized?
Book Critique: Believer's Baptism, Sign of the New Covenant in Christ
Why Do We Baptize Babies (Redux)?
A Biblical View Of Re-Baptism
Why Do We Baptize Babies?
The Lamb That Was Slain
Far As The Curse Is Found
Taking Sides
Fourth Week In Advent
Third Week In Advent
Second Week In Advent
First Week In Advent
So this is Christmas
Christ The Savior Is Born
Christmas Is Not A Moslem Holiday
New Year Resolutions 2
New Year Resolutions
Merry Christmas
Wisemen Or Troublemakers?
Bethlehem Judea, Newtown Connecticut
Christmas 2009: Part Two
Christmas 2009: Part One
What Is The Meaning of Christmas?
After Christmas
Christmas Season Celestial Celebration
Christmas: A Season For Love
Christian Walk/Practical Theology
Wisdom Or Money
Own Nothing And Be Happy
Dishonest Scales and Differing Weights Part 2
Dishonest Scales and Differing Weights
Godly Worship And Fire From Heaven
The Knowledge Of The Holy One
The Beginning Of Wisdom
The Fear Of The Lord
Humble Ourselves And Pray
A Prayer To The God Of Vengeance
The Parable Of The Ten Virgins (Newspaper Edit)
The Parable Of The Ten Virgins
Time to Trim the Testimony
Heavenly Derision
The Eighth Day
Christians And COVID-19
No Fear Part 2
No Fear
Outward Ritual Inward Rot
The Armed Christian
The Problem Of Entangling Sin
Hannah's Prayer Part 1
Hannah's Sacrifice
Spiritually Dull Part 2
Spiritually Dull
The Song Of The Vineyard Part 3
The Song Of The Vineyard Part 2
The Song Of The Vineyard
Who Owns You? Part 2
Who Owns You?
Milk Or Solid Food? Part 5
Milk Or Solid Food? Part 4
Milk Or Solid Food? Part 3
Milk Or Solid Food? Part 2
Milk Or Solid Food?
The Christian's Primary Response To God
The Prayer of Nehemiah and Modern Responsibility For Historical Racism
The Habit Of Love
The Habit Of Sin
Stuck: Part Two
Get Out Of The Christian Ghetto
Who Controls The Debate?
The Hero's Belt
Let 'Em See Jesus
The Grand Adventure: Part Two
The Grand Adventure: Part One
Gold Stamps or Grand Adventure
Attending Church
Tragic Love
Covenant Love
All You Need Is Love
Toward A Christian Society 2
Toward A Christian Society
Salty Salt
Smokin', Drinkin, Chewin
Copycats' Courage Confessed
Career And Calling
Rest In Your Calling Part 2
Rest In Your Calling
Rest And The New Creation
Escaping Temptation: Part Five, Conclusion
Escaping Temptation: Part Four
Escaping Temptation: Part Three
Escaping Temptation: Part Two
Escaping Temptation: Part One
How To Read The Bible
Spiritual Formation
Truth Or Fiction
Safe And Sound Part 2
Safe And Sound
Spiritual Faculties Carefully Trained
When In Doubt, Ask
Love Theology
Garbage In, Garbage Out
No Joy
Stuck: Part Two
Change The World
The Master On A Journey
Down But Not Out
Sin And Habitual Sin Part 2
Sin And Habitual Sin
Why So Little Impact?
Reality Roiling
Interpreting The Role
The Grand Adventure Revisited
Watching Master Craftsmen
Unrelenting Pressure
Grace And Obedience
Esteeming Christ In Hard To Reach Ways Part 2
Esteeming Christ In Hard To Reach Ways
Esteeming Others
Classic Christian
No, You Cannot Be Whatever You Want To Be
Remaining Strong
How Would Jesus Vote?
Running Out Of Time?
What Limit Spiritual Muscle?
Burden, Blessing and Opportunity
A Blessing Of Blindness
Back Out Of Joint?
County Fairs And Christianity
Like Clockwork
Perfection And The Pastoral Charge
Perfection And Forgiveness Part Two
Perfection And Forgiveness Part One
The Law Of Love Part 2
The Law Of Love
How To Be Famous
Praise And Worship Through Work
Men Of Christ: Know What To Do
Men Of Christ: Understand The Times
Some Assembly Required
Our Daddy Who Art In Heaven
Real Faith Really Works
Career And Calling
Excessive Self Love
The Virgin Birth
The Suffering Servant
The Deity of Jesus the Christ
Christ Our Kinsman
Jesus, Son of Abraham
Sovereign and Sinless
Behold I Make All things New
Kingdom King
Kingdom Priest
Kingdom Prophet
It's Time For A Change
Under The Ban: Steven Sitler Solution
So, A Drunk Gets A Job In A Bar
Should Your Church Close?
Left Behindism and The Ineffective Church
The 1904-05 Welsh Revival and its Impact On The Worldwide Church
Civil Society
Deposited Authority Part 5
Deposited Authority Part 4
Deposited Authority Part 3
Deposited Authority Part 2
Deposited Authority
Short On Science
The Significance Of The COVID-19 Infection Fatality Ratio Data
Masking: Follow The Science
COVID-19 Truth For Idaho Part 2
COVID-19 Truth For Idaho
COVID-19 Truth
COVID-19 and Christian Action: Part 2
Open Idaho Now
COVID-19 and Christian Action: Part 1
COVID-19 and Christian Action: Introduction
Not Politics But Gospel
Civil Magistrates and God's Law: Part Three
Civil Magistrates and God's Law: Part Two
Civil Magistrates and God's Law: Part One
The Failure Of Natural Law Theory: Part Two
The Failure Of Natural Law Theory: Part One
Tax Tyranny Solution
Tax Tyranny
Theory and Practice of War: Contentment
Theory and Practice of War 2
Theory and Practice of War
Christian Society and the Great Commission
Civil Magistrates
Biblical Law And Freedom
A Political Handbook
Christian Politics
The behavior of the king who will reign over you: 3
The behavior of the king who will reign over you: 2
The behavior of the king who will reign over you: 1
Church And State Revisited: 3
Church And State Revisited: 2
Church And State Revisited
God's Law, Again Part 2
God's Law, Again
Customs Of Godly Government Part 2
Customs Of Godly Government Part 1
Slaying Leviathan
It Doesn't Matter Who Is President
A Biblical Political Strategy
The Rise Of American Totalitarianism: Part One
The Edge Of The Abyss
Christian Politics: History 2
Christian Politics: History 1
Christian Politics: First Step
Christian Politics Redux
Toward A Christian Society 2
Toward A Christian Society
H.R. 3200 And The Bible Part 2
H.R. 3200 And The Bible
Identifying Christian Statesmen
Preparing Christian Statesmen
Godly Government: Sphere Sovereignty
Godly Government: In The Beginning
Proper Presuppositions For Good Government
Creation And Evolution
Chiasmic Creation Week
Creation: Day Two
Creation: Day One
Local Argument - Worldwide Battle
Pandemic Theater: on the Front Lines at an Essential National Retail Chain and the Local Hospital
Too Far Out There
The Prayer of Nehemiah and Modern Responsibility For Historical Racism
Symbols Of Darkness
Another Hole In Your Head
Meta-Modern Evangelism
Meta-Modern Ignorance 2
Meta-Modern Ignorance
Battling The Epidemic Of Ignorance
An Epidemic Of Ignorance
United Nations Day 2011
Memorial Day, 2011
A Resurrection Day Story
Was Jesus Crucified on Thursday?
He Is Risen!
The Triumphal Entry
Critique Of "The Book Of Signs" Part 3
Critique Of "The Book Of Signs" Part 2
An Explanatory Rendering Of The Revelation: Chapter Eight
An Explanatory Rendering Of The Revelation: Chapter Seven
An Explanatory Rendering Of The Revelation: Chapter Six
An Explanatory Rendering Of The Revelation: Chapter Five
An Explanatory Rendering Of The Revelation: Chapter Four
An Explanatory Rendering Of The Revelation: Chapter Three
An Explanatory Rendering Of The Revelation: Chapter Two
An Explanatory Rendering Of The Revelation: Chapter One
Left Behindism and The Ineffective Church
The Last Days Part 7
The Last Days Part 6
The Last Days Part 5
The Last Days Part 4
The Last Days Part 3
The Last Days Part 2
The Last Days
Consumed By Fire Part 3
Consumed By Fire Part 2
Consumed By Fire
Apocalypse Part 4
Apocalypse Part 3
Apocalypse Part 2
National ID Cards and The Beast
Evangelsim and Discipleship
Not Politics But Gospel
I want to know I will go to heaven when I die
Acknowledging Your Bias
Who or What is God?
The Nature and Condition of Man
What Must We Do To Be Saved?
Living in the New Reality
Do We Really Want Revival?
More Revival Stuff
The Dragnet
Meta-Modern Evangelism
Meta-Modern Ignorance 2
Meta-Modern Ignorance
Battling The Epidemic Of Ignorance
An Epidemic Of Ignorance
Gospel Apologetic
Race And The Gospel 2
Race And The Gospel
Christian Society and the Great Commission
Leviticus 3: Salvation
A Brief Definition and Description Of Discipleship
Dear Lewiston
Grace, Peace And The New Age - Gal. 1:1-5
Let Them Be Accursed! - Gal. 1:6-9
People Pleasers - Gal. 1:10
The Revelation - Gal. 1:11-12
The Assembly Of God - Gal. 1:13-14
Called Before Birth - Gal. 1:15-16
Away To Arabia - Gal. 1:17-20
Stood Condemned - Gal. 2:11
The Straight Line Of Gospel Truth - Gal. 2:14
The Faithfulness of Jesus Christ - Gal. 2:15-16
The Works Of The Law - Gal. 2:15-16
Crucified With Christ - Gal. 2:20
Unintelligent And Stupid! - Gal. 3:1-3
Sons Of Abraham - Gal. 3:4-7
The Blessings Of Abraham - Gal. 3:8-9
Became A Curse - Gal. 3:10-14
No One Annuls It - Gal. 3:15-16
Promise Keeper - Gal. 3:17-18
Better In Every Way - Gal. 3:19-20
One Way - Gal. 3:21-22
Over And Done - Gal. 3:23-29
Basic Elements Of The World - Gal. 4:1-7
Slavery - Gal. 4:8-11
Homeschooling And Education
LUO MAR Program: A Personal Critique
Homeschooling for World View
The Worthless College Degree
On Education
The Healing Of The Centurion's Servant: An Affirmation Of Homosexuality?
It's Not Bruce Jenner's Fault
Making The Most Of Educational Opportunities
The Haystack Booth
Sanitary Seat Cover Politics
Chewin' Gravel
Weird Jug
Liberty and Gas for All
The Olympic!
High Fashion Telemarketing
Birth of a National Trend
Chocolate: An Epic Tale
Dirty Pants
Horse Trainer's Lament
Does Well In Shaded Areas
The Magnum Blaster's White Glare
Slip Sliding Away
Staying Fit After Forty
Headline News
Peanut Butter: The Elixir of Life
A Rite of Manhood
The Road Trip
Name That Tone
Social Justice Bible Style Part 2
Social Justice Bible Style
Who Is My Stranger?
Kingdom Of God
Idolatry vs. Kingdom Realization
We Are Not Epicureans
Trinity Season Part 2
Trinity Season
Happily Ever After: Part Three
Happily Ever After: Part Two
Happily Ever After: Part One
Get Out Of The Christian Ghetto
Who Controls The Debate?
Prophet, Priest and King
The Kingdom Manifest
The Dragnet
The Kingdom Mandate
One God, One Law
One God, One Kingdom
Give Me Oil In My Lamp
The Wedding Feast
Will Work For...
Of Incalculable Value
Marriage, Sex and Family
Sex Is Marriage: In The Beginning
Sexual Mores, Society And Cultural and The Dominion Mandate
Sex Is Marriage
The Habit Of Love
Full Quivers And City Gates
Wedding Vows II
Wedding Vows
Sexual Purity
The Onan Incident
Men Of Influence
Saved In Childbearing
A Leading Man
Be Seldom With The Young
An Understanding Way
The Dating Game: W.W.J.D?
Just Friends
Thanks Part 2
Once A Year Or A Lifestyle?
Thanksgiving 2009: Part Two
Thanksgiving 2009: Part One
Giving Thanks In Service
Giving Thanks In Confession Of Sin
Thanksgiving G W Style
Theological Concerns
Imprecatory Prayer 4
Imprecatory Prayer 3
Imprecatory Prayer 2
Imprecatory Prayer
Saved With Works Parts 2 & 3
Saved With Works
God's Regret
The Witness Of Enoch
Covenant Sequence And The Prologue To John's Gospel
The Adamic Covenant and The Two Trees
The Problem Of Evil: Toward A Biblical Solution
A Brief Concerning Markan Priority
Our Father In Heaven, Hallowed Be Your Name: 2 of 7
The Lord's Prayer Revisited: 1 of 7
Give Judas The Boot
Sister As Brother
Reading Authentically Part 2
Reading Authentically
Temple Thoughts and Ezekiel's Temple Vision
Ezekiel 40 To 48
Interpreting Proverbs: Preliminary Examples
Ehud On War Part 2
Ehud On War
Creation and De-Creation Part 2
Creation, De-Creation and Biblical Interpretation
Trinity: The State
Trinity: The Church
Trinity: The Family
Trinity: The One And The Many
Trinity: Part Two
Trinity: Part One
Hell: Part Two
Hell: Part One
The Meaning of the Triumphal Entry: Part 2
The Meaning of the Triumphal Entry
Who Caused The Tsunami? Part 2
Who Caused The Tsunami?
The Prayer Of Jabez Continued
The Prayer Of Jabez: A Biblical Approach
The Lord's Prayer Revisited: 6 Of 7
The Lord's Prayer Revisited: 5 Of 7
The Lord's Prayer Revisited: 4 Of 7
The Lord's Prayer Revisited: 3 Of 7
Sons of God, Daughters of Men 2
Sons of God, Daughters of Men
Enigmas and Dark Sayings 3
Enigmas and Dark Sayings 2
Enigmas and Dark Sayings
Stewardship Or Dominion
Let The Bible Speak for Itself
Adam and Works
More Than He Bargained For 2
More Than He Bargained For
Leviticus 9: A New Beginning
Introduction to Leviticus
Correct Thinking In A Hostile Environment
Out You Go
He Calms The Storm
One Big Family
God Haters
The Holy Spirit
Everybody Has One
Are You Saved? Do You Know It?
Careful Little Seat Where You Sit
Live Free
Man As Jew
4C Papers
Jesus Christ
Holy Spirit
Under Siege
Tremendous Events
As Unto The Lord
Do You Understand?
No Fooling
Still Clueless In America
Ministry Wannabes
Absolute Truth
No Common Ground
Cool Hand Luke
A Raging Monster
Comedic Or Not
Felt Needs
Man As Jew
NAE Misses The Point
No Life Without The Spirit
Who Is A Glutton?
Never Mind
Count It All Joy
The Error of "Old is Better"
The Three "R's" of Public Speaking

Misc Newspaper Articles

Concerning Disappointment
Pope Benedict Comes to America
Open Letter to the Duman Family
Santa Cross
Self Centered,Self Deluded
Earl Kitchener
Amos and Job Advise
Healing Wings
Hillbilly Silver Anniversary
The Public School Teacher

Extended Articles, Essays and Fiction

Kill The Mother, Kill The Child

Chapter One: Slaughter In The Churchyard
Chapter Two: The Guardians
Chapter Three: The Detective
Chapter Four: Checking Out The Church
Chapter Five: Lunch With Connie
Chapter Six: Back To The Scene Of The Slaughter
Chapter Seven: Suspects In View
Chapter Eight: An Unbelievable Story
Chapter Nine: The Suspects Disappear
Chapter Ten: A Plan Of Action
Chapter Eleven: Lily's Help
Chapter Twelve: Another Victim
Chapter Thirteen: The Briefing
Chapter Fourteen: Attack On A Guardian
Chapter Fifteen: The Fury Of The Fiend


Garbage In Garbage Out
Don't Know Jack
A Snake In The Grass
Environmentally Friendly Logging
Saint Mohammed
Moderate Muslim, Devout Muslim
"Hair" In The Soup
The Beast
Abortion Logic
The Turkey Hunt
Horse Shoe
Step Around The Damp Area
The Antique Peddler
Inner Child
More Comfortable In Southern California
Fourth Of July
Lease Them For The Tax Advantage
A Little Tense
The Hair Style Reflects The Man
Hardhat And Cork Boots Team Spirit
Trouble With The Spring Thaw
Slokranium Olympics: Women's Figure Skatiing
Slokranium Olympics: Bodsled Team

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