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Chiasmic Structure of the Creation Week
© 2.05.06 By D. Eric Williams

A. Day 1: Light of God's Presence
  B. Day 2: Firmament; Mediation between Heaven and Earth; rule vested (on Day 4; Rule Time)
   C. Day 3: Sea and Land with Plants as (Earthly) Glory for the Land
    D. Day 4: Lights in the Firmament, Rulers of Day and Night; symbolic of Man, God's vice regent and the center of creation; ultimately points to Christ
   C. Day 5: Creatures as Glory for the Sea and Birds as (Heavenly) Glory for Land
  B. Day 6: Man; Mediation between Heaven and Earth; rule vested; Beasts as subjects
A. Day 7: Joy of God's Presence

Day One - Creating
A. Heaven and Earth Created
  B. Earth w/o Form and Empty
   C. Darkness on the Deep
    D. Spirit Hovered
   C. "Let there be Light"
  B. Dark and Light Divided (formed)
A. Day and Night Named

Day Two - Dividing
A. Firmament Created in the Midst
  B. Water Divided
  B. Water above, Water Below
A. Firmament Named ("Heaven")

Day Three - Organizing
A. Water Gathered
  B. Dry Land Appears
   C. Land Called Earth
   C. Water Called Sea
  B. Vegetation on Land
A. According to its Kind

Day Four - Lighting (Filling with Lights), Vesting, Resting
A. Lights/Flames in the Firmament
  B. To Be For Signs
   C. For Festivals, Days and Years
    D. In the Firmament of the Heavens
    D. To Give Light on the Earth
   C. Two Great Lights to Rule the Day and to Rule the Night
  B. The Stars Also
A. God Set Them in the Firmament
  B. To Give Light on the Earth
   C. To Rule over Day
   C. To Rule over Night
  B. To Divide Light and Dark
A. God Saw it was Good

Day Five - Filling
A. Water Abound
  B. Sea Creatures and Birds
   C. Firmament of the Heavens
  B. Sea Creatures and Birds
A. Fruitful and Multiply

Day Six - Vesting
Day Six A
A. Earth Bring Forth
  B. Cattle and Creepers
   C. Beasts of the Earth
   C. Beasts of the Earth
  B. Cattle and Creepers
A. According to its Kind

Day Six B
A. Man in Our Image
  B. Having Dominion
   C. Over Beasts of the Earth
    D. Man in God's Image
    D. Male and Female
   C. Fill and Subdue
  B. Dominion over Everything
A. Living in Fellowship

Day Seven - Resting
A. Work Ended
  B. Rested on the Seventh Day
   C. Blessed the Seventh Day
  B. Rested on the Seventh Day
A. Work Ended

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