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An Explanatory Rendering Of The Revelation: Chapter Six
© 02.13.2016 By D. Eric Williams

The Following is an excerpt from Apocalypse: An Explanatory Rendering Of The Revelation That Will Forever Alter Your Understanding Of The Tribulation, The Beast And The End Times

Covenant Law Adjudicated And Announced
Section three in the covenant sequence covers the ethical demands of the sovereign. It enumerates the conditions of the relation-ship and provides case law to explain the practical application of the covenant commands.

The law word of the Bible is always accompanied by case law. For instance, in the ten commandments it says, thou shalt not kill (Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 5:17). Case law is provided explaining that premeditated murder must be punished with death while accidental slaying of another is treated differently (Numbers 35:6-34). Likewise, when Jesus examines the covenant document in The Revelation, he determines the law and then charges the Church to announce it with appropriate case law explaining its application.

Thus, in chapters six through fourteen of The Revelation, we find Jesus, the representative of humanity, discerning the covenant standards and arraigning for their proclamation along with appropriate case law. Having met the requirements of representation, Jesus affirms the righteousness of God's covenant and commissions the Church to issue a warning; this is what God says and this is what it looks like when what God says is ignored!

The Revelation, Chapter Six
1. Then in my spiritual sight, I, John, understand that upon his ascension, Jesus began to conclude the old covenant in order to fully realize the new. He began the process of final adjudication according to old covenant stipulations because the old age had to be finished before the new could flourish. So, Jesus begins to unleash his reign and the law of the old covenant is implemented. The old covenant stipulations demanded this turn of events since it had always been God's intention for the Son of Man to rule.

2. In the first place, God's law requires Jesus to be established as king and to come back in conquest against the old covenant people who reject him.

3. A second old covenant requirement of the law resolved by Jesus at the conclusion of the old age,

4. necessitates conflict among the old covenant people who have rejected Jesus as the Christ. As a result, the land of Israel is torn by war between brothers.

5. A third old covenant requirement of the law resolved by Jesus at the conclusion of the old age,

6. has to do with the deprivation of the old order even as the new flourishes under God's protection.

7. A fourth old covenant requirement of the law resolved by Jesus at the conclusion of the old age,

8. pertains to the final judgment against the old covenant people who have rejected Jesus as the Christ. This judgment is fulfilled in the Roman conquest of the land of Israel and all the atrocities attending that conquest.

9. When Jesus reaches the fifth old covenant requirement of the law needing resolution, I see with spiritual sight the victims of aggression from the apostate Jews demand vengeance. They have been true to the Gospel and died for it.

10. They ask Jesus how long it will be before the land of Israel is judged for shedding the blood of those who accepted Jesus as the Christ?

11. They are assured of their salvation and told they will have to wait for the conclusion of the old covenant age before they leave the part of Hades known as "Abraham's bosom" and go to heaven. And there are still other followers of Jesus who will lose their lives in the turmoil surrounding the close of the old age.

12. With the sixth old covenant requirement of the law resolved by Jesus, there is an upheaval involving the complete destabilization and collapse of the sociopolitical religious system of Judaism. Creation and covenant go together so I, John, understand the old creation (old covenant) is being torn apart to be remade into the new; decreation is underway.

13. Jewish leadership collapses as Judgment is poured out on the members of the old covenant who refuse to embrace the new coven-ant and instead crucify Jesus and persecute his followers.

14. The old covenant is torn apart like the tablets thrown down by Moses and everything in creation is changed, the Gentile world as well. Old Israel disappears.

15. No one is spared from judgment. All who reject Jesus are under a curse: priests, elders, pharisees, the rich, the poor, slave and free.

16. And just as Jesus said on the way to Calvary, the apostates who reject him finally realize their mistake and wish to be hidden from the wrath of the king of kings.

17. They understand that the turmoil roiling the entire Roman world - and especially the land of Israel - is an outpouring of Jesus' wrath.

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